Fat, Sugar, Meat, Carbs: Just What IS a Healthy Diet? Part I

A look at the American dietary guidelines inspired by the documentary film: What The Health by Kip Anderson You may have heard a popular new phrase, “Sitting is the new smoking.” Well, I’d like to posit that eating POORLY – and unconsciously – is the new smoking. But, what is eating healthily? All the information … Continue reading Fat, Sugar, Meat, Carbs: Just What IS a Healthy Diet? Part I

Choose a Healthy Restaurant by Learning to Read a Menu

I’ve covered the importance of home cooking. Chewed the fat about fast food. But, I know that there are times when eating out is your only option. A work function. A party. A holiday. Or maybe you just want to try new foods and or celebrate an occasion without the fuss of meal preparation. You … Continue reading Choose a Healthy Restaurant by Learning to Read a Menu